Joachim Capiral

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Automated Tool used to Find Zoom Meeting IDs

According to a new report from security expert Brian Krebs, an automated tool developed by security researchers can find about 100 Zoom Meeting IDs in an hour and details for almost 2,400 Zoom Meetings in a single day.

The data was obtained using a new automated discovery tool named "zWarDial" for Zoom Meetings. A insane number of meetings at major companies aren't covered by a password, according to the app.

Zoom meeting functions by assigning a specific identifier for every meeting. A Meeting ID consisting of 9 to 11 digits is allocated to any Zoom conference call. Hackers have of course found out that they can simply guess or automate the guessing of random IDs within the digit space.

Checkpoint Research's security experts did the same last January, and found they were able to predict about four percent of the randomly generated Meeting IDs. The Check Point researchers said the only thing stopping them from randomly finding a meeting was allowing passwords on each meeting. They had contacted Zoom about this security issue and they were very helpful, and improvements were made to mitigate these problems. Check out there full research here.

One of the fix implemented by Zoom is to password protect new meetings, instant meetings, and meetings that are accessed by entering a meeting ID manually by default, so the fact that zWarDial can find about as many meeting IDs as it would mean that many Zoom meetings still don't have a password.

So if you want to keep your Zoom meeting private and safe, make sure the passwords are added to your meetings

Sources: 1, 2

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